Saturday, May 15, 2010

Zions National Park

Our trip to Zion's National Park. After sleeping, actually not sleeping cuz it was so humid and cold in the tent, we decided to hike Angels' Landing. We all look pretty happy on the tram ride up, probably because the pain hadn't bugun yet! Moments later, it would all begin!

Shortly after we started the hike. Notice we're still smiling. The pain was barely starting to manifest itself.

You know you have good friends when you express how self-conscious you are of hiking because you always get left in the dust, and they decide to let you set the pace, and actually LET you set the pace.

In order to trick my mind and body into thinking that I LOVE hiking, especially those switchbacks, I kept saying, "My body LOVES this. WOOOO! LOVE IT!" over, and over, and over, and over, and over. People were heard saying to each other after passing me, "what is that girl talking about?" haha

Yep, you guessed it...another break! But, my loyal friends were right there by my side waiting for me!

And this is where the brave were separated from the spineless. J/k. The chains were the easy part, in my opinion!

Finally reached the top of Angel's Landing! Not only did I reach the top, but I was the first of our group to reach it. I'd like to think it's because of my amazing hiking skills, but alas, it was not! Marci was even making sure no one got ahead of me. If they did, she would say, "stop! Holly needs to be first. Holly, are you ready?" It was beautiful!!

This is an expression of sheer joy that the hike was finally over! My body hurt so bad!

Dinner never tasted so good at the end of the night!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Cool, I've never hiked Angels Landing. Good for you. Personally, that is just TOO much nature for my taste.