Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Year of Firsts...August

Growing up in the small town of Nephi, one would think that I would have experienced all the simple small town luxuries like cow-chip bingo, greased pig chase, or milking a cow.  Now, I have zero desire to ever touch a cow chip, and I definitely don't like being dirty, so a greased pig chase isn't my thing, but milking a cow....I could get on board with that!  Lucky for me, Wheeler farm does cow milking.  This particular cow was so tenured, that she pretty much milked herself...seriously...her udder leaked into the can on its own.  Regardless, I milked her.  It felt really, really weird and I'm not sure I enjoyed the feel, but I can now say that I have milked a cow.

My friends and I also traveled to New Orleans for my birthday in August.  Talk about one of my all time favorite places to visit within the United States!  Our first night there, we went to Bourbon street...kinda caca, but that's what we expected.  We went on a cemetary tour, visited the Voodoo museum, visited old plantations, and did a haunted ghost tour.  My all time favorite part was all the jazz music everywhere.  You could walk down the street and be entertained for hours!  I loved the atmosphere of New Orleans.  All the food was delicious!  Except the oysters.....

 It was my first time trying them, and definitely not a dish that I will ever eat again.  Too slimy.  Just thinking about it now makes me squirm.  Surprisingly, I would rather hold an alligator again.  That was also a first.  I thoroughly enjoyed our swamp tour we went on.  The alligators we so eery and sneaky.  They could just blend in with the swamp bushes and water, and all you could see were two eyeballs staring at you.  Creepy.

1 comment:

Abby said...

New Orleans looks so fun. I want to go sometime. It is so fun to try new things. I don't think I could touch an animal.