Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thriller with my BFFs!!!!

This post was written by Abby and copied to my blog.

Matt’s favorite show of the year – THRILLER!! For Holly’s birthday this year, we decided to grab her a ticket to one of the most awesome shows ever!! So Matt and I headed up to SLC:
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and met Holly at Outback:

We followed Holly to her apartment to drop off Beyonce (her car):
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Holly went and saw it last year with a bunch a buddies, but she was still very excited to go with her to BFFs. See:
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We got to Kingsbury Hall and we begged Matt to drop us off. After a bathroom run we find our seats and see that Matt has already sat down. Apparently just as he was leaving the dropoff zone, a lady was pulling out of a spot right next to the entrance – SCORE! Holly was very surprised to be so close to the action. The Zombies were wandering around all over and Holly was right on the aisle:
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We found our seats, 4th row:

As we were walking out of Kingsbury I snapped a picture:
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We stopped and got some frozen yogurt and dropped Holly off at her apartment.  We went to inspect her digs and Matt and I found an “interesting” pillow on her bed:
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What? Holly? Is that a half-man pillow? Yup, and she loves it:
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We tried to dispose of the half-man pillow, but Holly would have none of it. Matt and I headed for home, and Holly was off to a bridal shower sleepover (ah, the life of a single lady).
It was a thrilling night and the best part was that I was able to share it with my 2 best friends.  Happy Halloween everyone.

1 comment:

Abby said...

It was a very fun night! I'm glad we got to be together just like the good ole days!!