Around the middle of May Holly started saying that she wanted to go to Las Vegas for my birthday again and see another cirque de soleil show. So we pulled out our calendars and decided the 10th and 11th would work best. Holly's friend Julia also joined us. So we loaded up in Julia’s Jetta and headed south. We were almost to Fillmore when I look up at the passenger seat and Holly is chugging this 2 liter bottle of lemonade:

Then we tried to compare the enormity of all our drinks:

When we were about to Cedar City we started talking about cars and Holly mentioned that she was going to buy a Camry for her next car. Mostly because she thought they were great. Well, a Camry or a Subaru. Subaru? Really? So we began the search for the Subaru. We finally made it to Newcastle and crashed out. Saturday morning we headed to Vegas. We got there around lunchtime so we decided to grab a bite at Serendipity by Caesar's Palace.

It was pretty packed and we had to wait for a little bit, but we managed to pass the time:

Then we finally got seated out on the deck.

The frozen hot chocolate was soooo good it was halfway gone before I could get a picture:

Then we checked in to our hotel and hit the pool for a few hours. After dinner we headed over to the MGM. We were driving around the parking and I pointed out to Holly that there were absolutely no Subaru’s in the parking lot because Subaru’s are lame. So we had a little wager and Holly came out the loser:

She couldn’t even make the “L” right. Then we asked a guy that was so wasted he couldn’t even walk straight to take our picture. He didn’t do a bad job:

We made it to the theatre:

I snapped a picture as we rounded the corner toward the stage:

Julia snapped a picture of me and Holly right before the lady yelled at us for no pictures:

The show was visually spectacular. I found some cool pictures online. Here is the stage:

That rectangle stage moved all over the place. It was awesome. These guys were my favorite. The guy on the top was jump roping as they are spinning around.

The ship scene was pretty cool too:

However, I thought the scenes on the sandy beach were long and drawn out. They probably could have shortened these a bit:

This is right before the fight scene. The set was amazing:

All in all it was a good show, thanks BFF for such a great idea.
After the show we kept with tradition and grabbed some ice cream at Häagen-Dazs:

Then we headed to my absolute favorite place in Vegas – The Bellagio!! On the way, we looked and looked and couldn’t find any Subaru’s – Sorry Holly.
It was a patriotic theme at the garden area:

I love this place. This is my Vegas:

We took our traditional photo in the center gazebo:

They had a painting made completely out of flowers:

and a merry-go-round:

Ahhh. I could stay in there for hours, but we headed outside to catch a few water shows. We made it halfway down and then the show started so I took pictures of the back side of the show with the Eiffel tower in the background:

Then we headed to the front and that is where I discovered that my precious Bellagio was allowing street vendors on the sidewalk. It was very annoying. But the shows were just as spectacular.
Julia ran and got a bottle of water from a vendor and Holly and I snapped some pictures while we waited:

It was here that we decided that once we struck it rich, I would buy the Bellagio and Holly would be Caesar's Palace and we would build an underground tunnel connecting the two so we could have secret parties and sleepovers and whatever else you do in secret underground bunkers. Hey, if you’re gonna dream, dream big right? Anyway, I took the liberty of creating a picture to show you just how our dream will be:

Then we caught a few more shows:

They were amazing as usual. After a few shows, we headed back to the hotel. The next morning we were up early and on our way home, but not before Holly finalized a few wedding details:

We made it home just in time for me to go to my meeting. Thanks ladies for a fun-filled weekend full of sun, cirque, and unfortunately, no Subaru’s.
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