Monday morning started off with Danielle waking me up way too early on my vacation (830 AM) so we could go get pedicures!

Then I got into a lil trouble with the New Mexico law enforcement!

But luckily they just let me go cuz they could tell I was innocent! And they actually took me to the nearest shooting range! Owen was excited for the event!

Is it obvious that I am clueless when it comes to guns?!

The small one surprisingly had the biggest kick!
It kinda scared me a little! I've decided that I'm not a big fan of guns!

Owen was so cute!!!

Nate was showing us how it's really done!
Then we moved on to bigger and badder guns!!

My very first shot, I hit the target. The rest of my shots were nowhere close!
I love, love, love the one with your hair blowing back and the terrified look on your face while you are holding a teeny tiny gun. :) I"m not a fan of guns either. Also, the pic with Owen in shorts and cowboy boots - Classic!!
haha that teeny tiny gun was so scary!! i thought i was going to shoot the bullet straight up in the air cuz it had so much kick! TV lies to us....there no way people can be that accurate with that much kick!
owen was so cute! he dressed himself! haha
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