I have never claimed to be adept at fashion, but I did not realize how inept I really was until one Sunday I was sitting in church looking around at all the super cute girls in my Relief Society. I have always admired all the cute outfits I would see on them, but my nemesis (shopping) and I don't exactly understand one another. I looked down at my skirt I was wearing and realized that I was the only one still wearing a long skirt. I then counted the years in my head that this skirt and I have shared together....8 years! Yep, I had been wearing the same skirt pretty consistently for 8 years!! It was a practical purchase to take on my mission. It was loyal to me for 18 months as I walked day in and day out on the very cold and very hot streets of Ohio! It helped comfort me when I came home from my mission and was trying to find myself again. And it had always been there so I would never have to shop for church clothes again....or so I thought! For 3 weeks consistently I observed the girls' outfits at church in hopes to find that I was not the only one wearing a long skirt. Much to my dismay, week in and week out I saw all the girls running around in their knee length, colorful skirts. It became more and more clear that my ankle length, black nun-like skirt and I would finally have to part ways. I made it my new mission to buy some new clothes!
Old Navy provided me the colorful jumper I am wearing below!

Then I decided to walk next door to the Downeast Outfitters. With very low expectations, I looked around. Much to my surprise, I found some really cute clothes!

And lastly, I went to the mall......I cringed a little as I walked through the doors. Torried proved successful! I had to add my own touches so that I could still be modest, but I immediately fell in love with this dress!

I'm like a new woman!! And most of it was done fairly affordably! I have a new goal to buy at least 1 new item of clothing a month! Now I know what you all are thinking....what happened to the trustworthy, old, black skirt! Well, it's still hanging in my closet! Why throw away such a reliable skirt! I will probably wear it to the next funeral I attend. That seems fitting!
I have a long black skirt that Jake has forbidden me to wear. I still love it and he wont ever get me to throw it away :)
I love that outfit too! You may not be a fashionista but you are an eloquent writer.
HALLS!!! I found your blog, I didn't now you had a blog! Love your outfits, totally hot! :)
I totally dig the middle one with the colorful skirt and black shirt. You look awesome!!
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