My best friend Abby recently had her birthday! I went over to her house to surprise her...I walk into her back door without knocking, which all best friend's have the privilege of doing, and I don't see or hear anyone, so I start singing "Happy birthday" as a way to announce that someone is in the house and don't come walking out naked. Sure enough, Abby comes flying out of her bedroom in just a rob and quickly shuts the door behind her. Ah, just like old times! There was a time or two when we were roommates and I accidentally walked in on her "air drying" after a shower....all I can usually do is stand, laugh, and point. haha Luckily, this time she had on a robe. I sat and talked with her and Matt for awhile and it's like we were still back in college and inseparable. Happy bday best friend!
Awww shucks!! Thanks. I'm glad you feel comfortable enough just walking in singing with a smile on your face. Love you.
so glad to know you have a blog! I will be checking it!! :) i love you!
lauren, i know! it was a big accomplishment for me!
abby, i think we've both seen a little bit too much of each other! haha
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