Let me tell you about the angels sent to our family...When Karen joined our family at age 39, she was unfortunately unable to have kids. We started the adoption process shortly later. Not an easy process! Lots of ups and downs, caseworkers interviewing the whole family to see if we "pass," birthmoms choosing to give her baby to us and then changing her mind, months and months of waiting for the phone to ring with the good news of placement, etc. During this time, I was preparing to go on a mission and wanted nothing more than to get a baby for our family before I left. Well, I decided that because the timing of adoption placement is so uncertain, I couldn't wait to leave on my mission, so I submitted my papers and left in June 2003. In August, I received a letter from home informing me that we were chosen by a mother in California to adopt her little boy due in a month or so. I was so excited that I started to cry; I knew how much my family had been waiting and wanting this to happen. My poor mission trainer didn't know how to react to my crying. A couple days later, I received another letter saying the birthmother had changed her mind. I was heartbroken! The very next day, I received a call from my mission president's wife: "Hello sister Hall! I just got a call from your famly and it sounds like there's a party in the background. You have a new little sister. A letter is on the way explaining details but they wanted me to tell you." I didn't know what to say! I was confused, happy, sad I wasn't there, eager to hear details. Ironically, Vanessa and I share a birthday. In my opinion, this was Heavenly Father's way to allow me to be a part of everything despite being thousands of miles away. It was the best birthday present ever! I love our little Vanessa and know she's supposed to be a part of our family.

A couple years later, my family started feeling like there was another baby out there who was meant to be with us. We started the process all over again, and this time I got to be there when Keagan Alan hall was brought home in February of 2007. Another little angel was added to our famly! We love them sooo much!!!!

I love when they spend the night with me, even though I only get a sliver of the bed.

They love bathtime!

1 comment:
I remember when Vanessa came home. It was great!! We drove up to Nephi that weekend to celebrate. I'm glad you have them in your life. :)
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