Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Year of Firsts....November

I like to buy my produce at the mexican market by my house.  They have the best avocados.  Every time I go into their store, I see a plethora of Latinos gravitating to the cactus leaves and loading up their produce bag.  I couldn't help but wonder what the appeal was, so I told Shantell that for November we were going to cook and eat a cactus leaf.  I decided to make the event into a fun Sunday dinner and invite over around 6-7 people....big mistake...we had no idea what we were doing, and these poor 7 individuals were hungry.  To teach us how, we YouTube'd Chef Nathan.  It was a perk that he teaches us with his shirt off, although I can't imagine it's all that sanitary.  After de-needling the cactus, and cooking it over the stove, I quickly learned what the appeal of cactus is.....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  It was slimy, tasteless, and quite honestly disgusting!  My poor dinner guests.  On the positive side, if I am ever stranded in the desert without food or water, I am pretty confident I could survive at least 1 day.  Anything beyond 1 day, I would still be a goner.


Abby said...

Yucky! Far too brave.

Katie M. Brown said...

Next time you go to the store, you should stop someone there, and ask them what they do with the cactus. I bet they have some good recipes.