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Mackenzie getting "comfy" |
The trip started off good. We knew we had a long drive ahead of us that would take us late into the night, but there was plenty of entertainment to keep our senses heightened. We were driving down the road when I saw a vehicle with those stick figure people decals in the window. It looked normal enough. 2 parents, some kids, a couple animals, and then some large person at the end. Usually, the order goes from biggest decals to smallest. This went against everything I believed about stick figure family decals. My first reaction was to say, "Who is that large person at the end of the family?" After a good laugh, we concluded that it was Consuela the maid. Mackenzie and I share a love for Broadway, especially Wicked, so naturally, we listened to the music. This led to Mackenzie playing other Broadway music for us, including songs from Rent. Idina Menzel's signature song is called "over the moon." If you haven't ever heard it, listen to it! It's whack! At one point she's singing, "moo with me." This did not inspire Shantell to stop teasing us, especially Mackenzie, about liking Broadway music. At another point, Mackenzie was sharing her favorite musicals, Hairspray being one of her favorites. She then went on to confess that she "went through a Ricki Lake phase." She even saw a video of Ricki birthing her second child. LOL. Who can honestly say that they "went through a Ricki Lake phase?" I think that is unique to Mackenzie. Needless to say, we stayed entertained most of the drive. Up until the 1-2 hours when both Mackenzie and Shantell offered to help drive. A couple seconds later, I would look over at both of them to see their heads cocked back and snores coming from their mouths. I'm definitely not trusting them with Beyonce. |
We arrived at the hotel at 4:15 AM. I made my bed on the floor and went to sleep.

The next day we made time for the pool. I LOVE THE POOL!! I could spend hours on end just relaxing by the pool and dipping in the water anytime I felt a little sweat on my brow. There were entertaining moments but mostly sleep and relaxation. I fell in and out of sleep for a couple hours. I would occassionally wake up to someone heckling me, "Hey lobster, you might wanna turn over." One time I snapped back, "I'm not a lobster." I do not take any responsibility for what I say or do while I'm tired. :)

feeling satisfied with the quality, but it was still far from 4 stars. She called the hotel

At one point during the trip, the freckle by my knee was exposed. This started the usual discussion, "oh my gosh, have you ever had that checked out?" The group began to lecture me on the ABC's of moles, even though mine is a freckle I've had my whole life. Assymetrical, BIG (according to Shantell), and we couldn't remember what C stood for.
We decided to go eat at a sketchy looking taco place on the strip. If you have ever been to the strip, you know that all the food prices are jacked up, so when we saw $2 tacos, we couldn't pass it up. We walked in and saw a rotating carcass where the meet was being cut from. I'll take 2 tacos please! Yum! They were actually pretty good. I would go back.
After eating, we went into the Wynn hotel and casino, where our show was playing. I promised my co-worker Kyle that I would bet a dollar in the slot machines for him. I stopped at one machine, but Mackenzie grabbed my arm and said, "No, you're not far enough into the heart of the gambling yet." We went a little deeper. It was scary. I found a slot machine that actually let me pull a level because, well, that the only fun part, in my opinion. I bet my friend's dollar and didn't win. Sad.
Its apparent by the pictures that I have no idea what I'm doing. I even had trouble getting the machine to take my dollar bill. Bob Barker playing The Price Is Right slots had no problem, so I persisted. I decided to play my own dollar, now that Kyle's dollar warmed up the machine for me, and I won!! $5 never felt so good! I immediately quit while I was ahead. Shantell took her hand at luck as well. $30 later she came out with 21 cents.
At 7 PM, it was time for the show! IT WAS AMAZING!!! By far the best show I've seen in Vegas! All I have to say after it is that there are a lot of strong people in the world. Some of the stunts required so much muscle. It was spectacular. There were some women whose bicpes were so buff, it blew my mind!
We were 2nd row and right there in the "splash zone" for all the action. Before the show started, there was a creature from the black lagoon swimming around and jumping out of the water to scare people. It got us. We totally screamed. At the end of the show, some of the divers through red carnations into the crowd. Mackenzie and I both caught one.
After the show, we walked around and saw the usual sites, including a fan favorite: The Bellagio Water Show. The next morning, we drove back to Salt Lake City. Shantell got comfortable with Lowell in the back seat. He never disappoints!