I've had these pictures uploaded to my blog for over a month now but haven't been able to force myself to sit down and write about the trip. It's not because I didn't enjoy the trip because I did. I had a great time with a great friend and saw 4 broadway plays for a total cost of $110 dollars...doesn't get any better than that. I have been avoiding writing because of one single experience that happened on the trip that I didn't want to remember or think about again. I saw a young teenage boy commit suicide by jumping in front of the subway about 10 feet in front of me...saw the whole thing. It was traumatizing. Today is Easter Sunday; one of my favorite holidays. I was sitting in Sunday School. The lesson was on the resurrection of Christ, and we watched a video collage of pictures of Christ while a young girl sang a song about Gethsemane. It was very touching, and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude that I was raised in an environment where I was taught about the Savior's love and sacrifice for me. I couldn't help but think about the young boy at the subway station and think back to what was going through my mind when it happened. First, was complete shock at what I had just witnessed. Then, I wondered what would make someone think life was so horrible that ending his life was the best option. Then, I said a prayer in my heart for his family and loved ones he left behind, assuming he has some. Sitting in Sunday School today, I was reassured by the Spirit that the young boy had returned to loving arms that knew exactly what he was feeling his whole life and that know exactly how all of us feel. He had gone home. I couldn't help but think about the Savior in Gethsemane when he came out of the garden and found his apostles sleeping, and he asked them, "what could ye not watch with me a couple more hours?" I was reminded that this life is short, and I felt a renewed desire to persevere no matter what curve balls get thrown my way. I will never be left alone; none of us will. I pray that we will always feel the love of our Savior. He gave His all for us so we could have it all. I am reminded of His love every day. Every time I am surrounded by my family. Every time I receive a call or text from a friend just when I need it the most. Every day I go to work and am surrounded by amazing people whom I know love and care about me. Every time my little brother or sister or niece or nephews hug me and tell me they love me! I have this all because of Him. I will never forget that!
Having been reminded of this, I am now ready to write about my New York trip. It's about time. :) My friend Cassie and I went to dinner one night in January, and Cassie told me she was going to NYC for a graduate school interview. She asked if I wanted to go and we would spend the weekend watching Broadway plays. I immediately said yes. I love New York and I love Broadway. As the weeks drew closer, I decided that I better purchase my plane ticket. I was at work and hopped online to quickly make the purchase. I found a very affordable price and went to click "purchase." Right as I did, I got really light headed and my chest tightened. I panicked. I didn't know what to think. This had never happened to me before. I stood up and asked for a second opinion from some co-workers. One of them said sarcastically, "It's because you haven't talked to Lydia and gotten her permission yet." I laughed. It's true. I hadn't. Although I don't think that's why my body reacted the way it did, I decided to call Lydia. I relayed everything that happened and was given advice to sit on it for a day and then see how I felt tomorrow. Great advice. A few days later, I went to purchase the tickets and didn't have the same reaction, so I made the purchase. Looking back now, I think Heavenly Father was giving me a warning by giving me a foretaste of what I would feel while witnessing the suicide. Cassie and I bought our tickets separately, so I was sitting at my layover in phoenix when I saw this older gentlement across the room looking at me. Not in a creepy way but more in a familiar way. I saw him and immediately looked away, but he looked very familiar to me also. He looked just like one of my older professors from SUU, but I remembered Shantell telling me when I got home from my mission that he had died. I texted Shantell and asked her if my memory was accurate. She said that it was never confirmed that he died, but he disappeared and they found his car abandoned. I asked her where his car was found, and she said somewhere near phoenix. By the time Shantell had responded, I had already boarded the plane, so I guess I'll never know if that truly was my old professor from SUU. I guess if he wanted to be recognized or found, he would have made it happen. :) My plane arrived in NYC and I realized that I looked like a huge tourist. I had my "I heart NY" shirt on...all I needed was a fanny pack and a camera hanging around my neck. Cassie's plane landed and we realized we were at completely different terminals. When she made her way to my terminal, which was about 6 terminals away, we finally headed to our hotel and arrived around 2 AM. The next morning we were ready for the city. Cassie went to her grad school interview and I waited in line for rush tickets to How To Succeed in Business starring Nick Jonas.

I waited in line and decided to document the moment. I made a couple new friends. A guy in law school visiting from Florida and a girl from California visiting with her friends.
I walked around the city for a couple hours waiting for Cassie to finish her interview.
Cassie and I met up after her interview and got a picture in front of the New York City Ballet.
We decided to go to the famous Gray's Papaya! The hot dogs were ok but the papaya juice was phenomenal!!
Then we walked around Central Park. It was beautiful and large. I kept picturing the FRIENDS episode where Phoebe and Rachel are running in the park and Phoebe's run is embarrassing Rachel. I was half tempted to run like that but decided to be an adult.
I don't know why I found comfort in the fact that there was a fallout shelter nearby. You never know.
We walked by the place where John Lennon was shot. Apparenlty, every day someone places a red rose on this pavement in remembrance of him.
Here is the exact location he was shot.
I don't know how they knew where I was going but I'm glad I'm almost there!
One night we went to a place called the Starlight Diner where aspiring Broadway artists work until they make it big. They were constantly up on the tables singing and dancing. It was pretty great!
Cassie and I posing for a picture at the Starlight Diner!
My friend Leanna was kind enough to let us spend the nights with her in Brooklyn. She and her friend joined us for dinner.
The phantom of the opera even paid the diner a visit.
While in New York, I of course, had to see Wicked. Cassie didn't want to see it again, but she was kind enough to put her name into the lottery with me, so I would have a better chance of winning. The excitement was such that you'd think it was my first time. Sure enough, my friend Cassie's name got drawn. She is 3 for 3!! My lucky charm! I was happy to reap the benefits of her luck. I watched Wicked and she went to watch Jersey Boys!
Front row for the 3rd time in a row! This Glinda wasn't as good as the other one last year but it was still phenomenal!!
I decided to try to take an "artsy" picture. This was my attempt.
Cassie and I also ate at a really good pizza place. The atmosphere was super cool!
While there, we saw Sister Act on the front row! That show was very entertaining and fun! I loved it! Our last day in New York, we went and saw Anything Goes! AMAZING!!! My second favorite Broadway!
For those of you care, here is my list of Broadway shows, in order of my favorite first: 1)Wicked (no contest) 2) Anything Goes 3) Scarlet Pimpernell (I saw that at a local theatre in Sandy but absolutely loved it) 4) Sister Act 5) How To Succeed in Business 6) Les Miserables (I saw that when it traveled to SLC) 7) Phantom of the Opera, and 8) Mary Poppins. I have also seen Stomp in NYC, which isn't a Broadway but still amazing!
In between shows, we decided to visit the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit! That was pretty amazing to see the original transcripts, and I learned something new! I learned why there were money changers at the temples in Jerusalem. Jerusalem was under Roman occupency and Roman money was in use. However, only Jewish authorities only allowed Hebrew money as acceptable temple tax, so the money changers exchanged Roman currency for Hebrew currency....who knew!?
The day we flew home was superbowl sunday, and the Giants were playing. Eli Manning was kind enough to pay Broadway a visit before the game. :)
My coworkers teased me before I left that I needed to get a tattoo of the Statue of Liberty on my trip, so when I came back to work, they had made me a little memoir. I always have it hanging at my desk to remind me of that memory, and also to remind me how much I love my coworkers!
As is tradition, here is my Happy List:
1) Seeing my allegedly dead professor at my layover
2) We went to the museum of Modern Art and this weird guy was talking to his friends and said, "Anytime you see a weird breast like that, it's Picasso." Genius!
3) Our usher at one of the shows kept calling me Pretty Lady. When I said thanks, he said that his momma raised him to be a gentleman. Then he proceeded to tell us a 20 minute long explanation of how you raise a gentleman: Spank your boys. Easy as that.