The morning started with a parade, and I'm pretty sure EVERY towns person was in attendance, except MaryEllen's dad, who doesn't like crowds. There was a nip in the air and I hadn't come prepared. Luckily, MaryEllen's sister had a black sweater I could borrow, AND I fell in love with that sweater! So if anyone knows where I can purchase one, let me know! It has 2 zippers that can meet in middle. I couldn't resist getting a picture by this vintage Ford truck!

MaryEllen (the girl who made this day happen) and I posing for a picture!

The float makers hung tight to the theme. EVERYTHING was of a potato. This was one of my favorites!

And a dust cropper plane flew overhead and dropped ping pong balls on us.

And here is our Spud royalty. I jokingly asked MaryEllen if she was in the Spud royalty when she was younger, and she replied, "Yep. I was Miss Spud Congeniality," and she really does want world peace!

Another potato. That's nice. Just throw us more candy, please.

And here is a girl wearing a potato sack dress. Yes, that's right. A potato sack dress.

There were mullets and bump-its everywhere!!

After the parade, we went to the city park and stood in a massive line to get our free baked potato. The Spud royalty served us. That's their reward. Congratulations on winning the Miss Spud pageant. Now go serve 1,000 potatoes to the whole town!

We stopped by a family friend's photography business and got some pointers. Did you know that when you take a photo, you want to have every body part on some sort of angle? So I'm trying to dip my right shoulder lower than my left, and my hips are slanted on an angle.

MaryEllen's friend Sara also joined us for all the day's festivities!

What Spud Days would be complete without some mashed potato tug-o-war?

Why all those guys put the girl in front, I'll never understand. She was not happy. I would also be grabbing a handful of mashed potatoes and throwing them.

The Elder's had to get in on the fun!

And here is our very own Miss Spud Congeniality!

They also had a hypnotist show, which is my all time favorite!!! They think they're in some muscle competition!

One girl even got down on the ground and started doing pushups. She was serious about winning!

We talked MaryEllen into going up for the 2nd show.

At one point, she was running for President and everytime she was asked an interview question, she would be able to get 4-5 words out before finishing the sentence with "blah, blah, blah, blah." Well, I don't think the hypnotist knew what he had coming when he asked the 3rd question, "What is one thing you would want to be remembered by?" MaryEllen's response, "My singing and dancing abilities." 5 words! A light bulb went off in in the hypnotist's head, "What if I told you that I was going to let you showcase your singing and dancing abilities?" MaryEllen nodded her head up and down and grabbed the mic. "Somewhere over the rainbow," paused long enough to shake her hips back and forth once, "bluebirds fly...." She was definitely a fan favorite!

After all the spud day festivities were over, we drove down to Pocatello to meet up with one of MaryEllen's and Sara's old college roommate. I waited in the back seat of the car while they went into the hotel to get her. She comes running up to my window and basically smashes her face against it while waving energetically and saying "hi" through the window. I couldn't help but laugh and wave back while thinking, "who is this girl?" She hopped into the back seat and introduced herself as Heather. I realized that she was wearing Tom's, and therefore, was pretty cool! We went to dinner, and then back to her hotel room and played Harry Potter clue. After minimal cheating by all parties, and me persuading Heather on a couple different occassions to "show me your cards," I won! Then it was off to the pool! I did not win the hand standing competition. I actually came in last place!

Showing off our polygamist pool hair. Either that or George Washington hair!